Major Technical Achievements of OHPC during the Financial Year 2022-23
The generation from Rengali Hydro Electric Project, Rengali and Hirakud Hydro Electric Project, Burla crossed their respective design energy.
OHPC supplied electricity to Odisha grid at a very low cost at OERC approved rate of 89.48 paisa per unit.
After Renovation & Modernization work of Unit-1, BHEP Balimela started its commercial operation with effect from 15.04.2022.
Inter-state clearance for the Upper Indravati Pumped Storage Project (4 x 150 MW) has been obtained from Director, Inter-state, New Delhi on 13.09.2022.
Topographical survey report of Upper Kolab Pumped Stonage Project (2 x 160 MW) completed in May 2022.
Forest Clearance for Geotechnical Investigation of Kharag Hydro Electric Project (63 MW) has been received from DFO on 24.12.2022 and 22.12.2022 respectively.
Major Technical Achievements of OHPC during the Financial Year 2021-22
OHPC played a key role in meeting the energy demand of the State during peak hours for grid stabilization.
In the FY 2021-22 cumulative generation of Rengali HEP 865.277 MU and the power house has crossed the design energy generation target of 525MU.
In the FY 2021-22 the cumulative generation of HHEP, Burla is 708.877 MU. Hence, the power house has crossed the design energy generation target of 684 MU.
After Renovation, Modernization and Uprating works, Generating capacity of Unit-6 enhanced from 37.5 MW to 43.65 MW. Commercial operation of Unit-6 of HHЕР, Burla commenced w.e.f 02.11.2021.
After Renovation, Modernization and Uprating works, Generating capacity of Unit-5 enhanced from 37.5 MW to 43.65 MW. Commercial operation of Unit-5 of HHEP, Burla commenced w.e.f 09.01.2022
After Renovation & Modernization works, Commercial operation of Unit-2 of BHEP, Balimela commenced from Dt. 29.12.2021.
OHPC has made a profit of Rs. 88.86 Cr. during the FY 2021-22.
ACHIEVEMENTS 2019-20 (Till Nov-2019)
The employees of OHPC Ltd. have contributed their one day salary i.e. Rs.27,85,667/- (Rupees Twenty Seven Lakhs Eighty Five Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Seven) only towards the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to help the people affected by the recent Cyclone “FANI”.
The company paid a dividend of Rs. 31.58 cr. to the Government of Odisha for the FY 2018-19
OHPC has been felicitated with “Workers Education Award-2019” for excellence in learning and development activities by DattopantThengdi National Board of Workers Education and Development, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India.
Ongoing R & M work of CHEP ,Chiplima . Erection Activity Completed. Commissioning activity started. Overall Progress completed up to 95 %.
Ongoing R & M work of HHEP, Burla. Overall Progress of Erection & Supply of Material is 68%.
R & M work of Unit- 1& 2 of BHEP, Balimela. Design Engineering activity completed up to
65 %. Material supply increased to 70 % of Unit- 01 & 02. Erection activity in Turbine / Generator front is in progress. 220 kV Switch Yard Bay extension work is under progress.
Upper Kolab Hydro Electricity project, Bariniput of OHPC has received the 10th Kalinga Safety Excellence Award- 2018 (Gold Winner) instituted by “Institute of Quality and Environmental Management Services”.
Gross Energy Saleduring the year was 5880.604 MU against MoU target of 5478.28 MU.
The company earned Profit Before Tax of Rs 227.31 crores and Profit After Tax of Rs. 144.39
The company will pay a dividend of Rs. 18.65 cr. to the Government of Odisha for the FY 2017-18
Work Order for preparation of Detailed Project Report of Balimela Pump Storage project was placed in favour of WAPCOS Limited.
WAPCOS has submitted the Draft Detailed Project Report to develop proposed Upper Indravati Pump Storage Project.
Progress in the R& M work of CHEP, Chiplima. Material supply increased to 99.5%. Erection activity completed up to 70 % . Rotor Building Completed.
Progress in the R & M work of HHEP, Burla Overall progress of Erection & Supply of Material is 63%.
R & M work of Unit- 1&2 of BHEP, Balimela ongoing and 40% Design works completed. Erection work of Unit- 1& 2 completed up to 15%.