
Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Ltd.

A Gold rated State PSU( A Govt. of Odisha Undertaking )

Powering Green Energy

Hirakud -I (Water Turbine)

Number     7

Burla PH Turbine Floor

Type Kaplan turbine (Unit 1,2,5,6&7) Francis (unit 3&4)
Net head 26.5 m to 35.5 m
Rated output 66354hp(1 & 2),
49200 HP (Unit 3 & 4)
59809 HP (Unit 5, 6)
52000 HP (Unit 7)

Turbine Pit of Burla unit-IV

Normal speed 150 rpm
Run away speed : 342 rpm (Unit 1,2)
377 rpm (Unit 3 & 4)
403 rpm (Unit 5 & 6)
372 rpm (Unit7)