Project Features
The Upper Indravati Project would form the first step in development of the power potential of the Indravati river in odisha. The project has features favourable for a very economical hydro electric development such as good water availability, low dams to form a large regulating storage, less submergence and short water conductor system to concentrate a high head for power generation. Additional attractive features of the development is the possibilities of utilising the tail race releases for providing irrigation to a large command area in the backward district of the state.
The main works involved in the Upper Indravati project are:
- Formation of a reservoir with a gross storage capacity of 2300 Mcum at FRL + 642 m (2106.3 ft.) and a live capacity of 1435.5 Mcum above the MDDL of + 625 m (2050.62 ft.)
Water conductor system comprising of 165 m long head race channel, 4.32 km. long and 7 m dia head race tunnel designed for a discharge capacity of 210 cumecs and terminating in a surge shaft.
- 2 pressure shafts 330 m long and 5.25 m dia bifurcating near the valve house;
- 4 surface penstocks, 790 m long and 3.5 m dia to lead the water to the power house;
- an overground power house with an installation of 4 units of 150mw each operating under an average gross head of 371.00m (1218 ft.)
- a 9 Km long tail race channel to discharge tail racewater into the Hati river
- Aweir ,12.01 m high and 117 m long on the Hati river with a live storage capacity of 603.57 HM between RL 265 m and 260.4m to even out diurnal variations in the releases from the power house
- two gravity canals 48.5km. long left bank and 70.4 km. long right bank to command an ayacut of 49085 hectares and 27195 hectares respectively
- a lift canal 56.3 km . long taking off directly from the left side of the weir to command an ayacut of 41400 hectares (the lift involves is 45.7 m).
The items of work from point (7) to point (9) are being taken up under the irrigation project . The dam and appurtenant works are taken up as common work for irrigation and power.