The Stage-I of the Hydro Electric Power Station has two generating Units of 50 M.W. each with a firm power of 60 MW (corresponding to a firm generation of 526 MU per year).
The Stage-I work also includes installation of penstock Gates, Penstock, Draft Tube Gates etc. for three more Units, covered under Stage-II work. The power house Auxiliaries, such as, two numbers of Electrical Overhead Travelling Cranes, Gantry Cranes for hosting the Draft Tube Gates / Penstock Gates / Stoplogs, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems, Passenger Lifts, Station Dewatering and Drainage System, Station Compressor System, Station D.C. System, Station Auxiliary Power Supply System etc. are also covered under Stage-I.
For the evacuation of power from the Station a 220 KV Switchyard, having 8 bays, i.e. 2 for the Generating Units, 1 for Station Transformer, 1 for bus coupler, 4 for outgoing feeders (two to Rengali switchyard, one to kaniha Super Thermal Station and one to NALCO), has been provided under Stage-I.
A House Service Set of capacity 500 KW with a Francis turbine has been installed under Stage-I to provide start-up power in case of total power failure.
46% of the cost of the Dam has been apportioned to Power Generation. The Power Scheme estimated cost for Stage-I is as below :
Sl.No. | Initial Rs. in Lakhs | Last Revised Rs. in lakhs | |
1. | Cost of the Dam apportioned to Power Generation (46%) | 1932.00 | 7813.56 |
2. | Power House Civil works | 330.00 | 2635.00 |
3. | Electrical works | 1270.68 | 3588.00 |
3532.68 | 14036.56 |
The expenditure of Electrical works is Rs.3566.82 Lakhs upto 31.3.92Units-I & II have been commissioned and synchronised to Odisha Grid on 27.8.85 & 26.3.86 respectively. They are now in commercial operation.
The Stage-II of the Power Station has three more generating Units (Unit Nos.III, IV & V) each of 50 MW capacity. The secondary generation would be 225 MU (equivalent to annual average power of 25.68 MW).The administrative approval for stage-II works was communicated by I&P Department, Govt. of Odisha on their letter no 26567 & 33407 dated 13.06.96.
For transmission of power of Stage-II Units three more bays have been provided in the existing 220 KV switchyard.
The power scheme estimated cost for stage-II is as below:-
Sl.No. | Initial Rs. in Lakhs | Last Revised Rs. in lakhs | |
1. | Power House Civil works | 258.00 | 1122.00 |
2. | Electrical works | 3979.00 | 6274.00 |
The erection works of stage-II units started during the year 1987, Unit-III, Unit-IV & Unit-V have been commissioned and synchronised to Odisha Grid on 10.8.89, 19.3.90 and 14.8.92 respectively.
The total expenditure on dam Rs.171,01,27,460/- up to March 1993 and power house works.